Green, V., & Kauffmann, A. (1782). Mrs. Fordyce, at the Grave of Fingal. Here Fingal resigned his spear, after the last of his fields. But Fingal shall be cloathed with fame, a beam of light to other times for he went forth in ecchoing steel, to save the weak in arms. Ossian's Temora, Book VIII. Page 175. [London]: Published May 1st. 1782 by V. Green, N. 29 Newman Street, Oxford Street London.
Chicago Style CitationGreen, Valentine, and Angelica Kauffmann. Mrs. Fordyce, At the Grave of Fingal. Here Fingal Resigned His Spear, After the Last of His Fields. But Fingal Shall Be Cloathed With Fame, a Beam of Light to Other Times for He Went Forth in Ecchoing Steel, to Save the Weak in Arms. Ossian's Temora, Book VIII. Page 175. [London]: Published May 1st. 1782 by V. Green, N. 29 Newman Street, Oxford Street London, 1782.
MLA CitationGreen, Valentine, and Angelica Kauffmann. Mrs. Fordyce, At the Grave of Fingal. Here Fingal Resigned His Spear, After the Last of His Fields. But Fingal Shall Be Cloathed With Fame, a Beam of Light to Other Times for He Went Forth in Ecchoing Steel, to Save the Weak in Arms. Ossian's Temora, Book VIII. Page 175. [London]: Published May 1st. 1782 by V. Green, N. 29 Newman Street, Oxford Street London, 1782.